Welcome Back to CPS, Rayce Gibson!

Sales Executive Rayce Gibson has rejoined us here at Custom Powder Systems, and we couldn’t be happier. And it sure seems he’s happy with his decision, too. “I’ve known these guys forever,” Rayce says. “We already knew each other, we knew what we expected from each other. We know how each other works. It really was just like going back home.”

Rayce’s history with CPS is more than just previous employment with us. We’ve known and respected his talents even when he worked with our competitors. For Rayce, manufacturing has always been a significant part of his world.

Growing Up in Manufacturing

Rayce was born into a manufacturing family as the third generation in the industry. When attended the University of Nebraska he studied business and marketing and would eventually go on to work in the family business. He was ready to take his newly-learned marketing skills and business know-how to truly make an impact at his first job.

How Can I Help Solve This Problem? 

No matter where his paycheck comes from Gibson always keeps his eye on what really matters: the customer. “We get together, we talk about their problems, the issues that they’re encountering, how we can make it better…” says Rayce. “And then we go back to engineering and say, ‘How can we help solve this problem? How can we solve this issue and make the handling of their product, their time, and their process better?’”

Rayce says the team spends time investigating a customer’s current process and finding where hang-ups might be happening. “We get deeply involved investigating the materials, asking, ‘What is the bulk density? What’s the particle size? How does it flow? What’s your ideal situation from point A to point B?’”

Back Where He Wants to Be

For Rayce, Custom Powder is exactly where he wants to be at this point in his career. “I’d worked with Denise, Mac and Bob not only at Custom Powder, but at my previous employer. I felt it was the right time to go back. I liked everything that they’ve done with the company. They care about their employees, they care about each other, they care about the customers, and that’s what I’m about. I want to make sure that the customer is taken care of, but we have fun doing it.” When he’s not helping our customers with creative solutions, Rayce likes to spend his free time woodworking and admiring classic cars.

We are so grateful Rayce decided to once again share his talents with our team. We love having another skilled brain around to help us keep on solving.

To help us put Rayce to work developing unique solutions for you, reach out to us here.

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