Before he left office earlier this year, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon paid one final visit to Custom Powder Systems.
Well, we’d like to think it’s because we’re awesome. But we’re biased. The Governor’s visit was to show his appreciation for our involvement with the Missouri Workforce Development program, which aids in the hiring, training, and development of employees that reside in the great state of Missouri.
As it turns out, CPS has not only participated in the program, we were also one of the poster children to help DEVELOP the program.
So, maybe it’s true. The Governor came to see us because we ARE awesome.

Okay, enough horn-tooting.
The real reason we have been so involved is because we believe very strongly in the mission of this program. Through MWD training grants, Custom Powder Systems has hired and trained a good number of employees. In turn, these highly-trained employees have been instrumental in working with our clients to bring in new business. And new business brings new money into our area and strengthens our communities.
In a time when government funding is highly questioned and scrutinized, Custom Powder Systems is a prime example of funding done right.
That’s why the Governor stopped by our facility. And that’s why one of our team members, DeAnn Kraichely, even testified – alongside representatives from Boeing – at a senate hearing on behalf of the program.
Us – a family-owned factory on a map dot in America’s heartland – testifying in front of the Missouri State Senate.
See? Even the SENATE thinks we’re awesome.
But we’re not letting all the recognition go to our heads. The Governor’s visit was an honor, yes. But, truth be told, we’re more thrilled when companies like yours trust OUR company to help solve your biggest containment issues.
That’s the greatest honor we could ever receive.
We’d be honored to put our training to work for you. Click here to continue the conversation.