“How in the world do you do it?”
It’s a question we hear often at Custom Powder Systems.
Because, as of today, we have gone four years, two months, and fifteen days without a lost time accident.
We honestly had no idea that a streak like ours was uncommon – until representatives from other companies began commenting, “This is a big deal” and “It’s virtually impossible considering the work you do.”
So now, more than ever, we have a responsibility to our employees and our clients to keep this streak alive.
The Experience Modification Rate (EMR) is a number used by insurance companies to project future chances of risk based on past injuries. The lower the EMR, the lower premiums will be, and the lower the costs involved. We pass those (not insignificant) savings onto our customers.
The standard EMR for our industry is 1.
Our EMR is .67.

This is a big deal for our team. Not only for the men and women in the factory, but also for members of management who would have the unfortunate duty of break devastating news to employees’ family members.
This should be a big deal for customers, too. Because, when you work with an unsafe manufacturer, you will likely be paying more for their product. The rising cost of workman’s comp and high insurance premiums is absorbed into the cost of the products and services. And that means you will end up paying for their mistakes.
We refer to it as a “Carelessness Tax” – and it’s a tax we choose not to impose on our customers
To say that Custom Powder Systems takes safety seriously is a significant understatement. Our employees are our friends. Our family. And when we take care of our family, our costs go down. And stay down.
Four years, two months, and fifteen days down.
And we hope we’re just getting started.
As our costs go down, your costs go down. Click here to continue the conversation.