
Where’s Your da Vinci-Chute?

It once seemed outrageous to think a ship made of heavy steel could ever float on water. Imagine the reaction if a painter told you a contraption of wood could let you toss yourself from any height and drift safely to earth.  The parachute was one of the many inventions from the always-bubbling brain of Leonardo da Vinci.

The invention was way ahead of its time. In the 15th century, a good day was avoiding The Black Death or Typhoid Fever. Nobody had time to be constructing a pyramid of wooden poles with sealed linen between them and “hoping” they land like a little bird. “I’ll take my chances with the Diptheria, thank you very much.” Leo would be long gone before anyone actually made a practical parachute. The late 1700s were a more “devil-may-care” time, it seems. But even then, there really wasn’t a big need for parachutes.  

That story would repeat itself many times with many of da Vinci’s inventions. The idea preceded the time. But by their very nature, new ideas usually do come before the need arises.

What ideas might be hiding away in your mind’s filing cabinet? 

Maybe the only difference between you and da Vinci is the act of writing it down. The act of literally putting a pencil on a piece of paper can activate those sleepy neurons and turn a flickering notion into tomorrow’s da Vinci-chute. How and when it will be used may not be apparent right now. But one thing we know for sure, those ideas aren’t doing anybody any good locked away in your beautiful brain.

At Custom Powder Systems, we see our jobs as solving problems that haven’t yet happened. Bins and lifts and gloveboxes and containment systems are made to fit your facility. Having done this more than a few times, we’re able to see around the corner and find solutions to things before they become an issue.    

As for Leonardo’s bold design: He got it right! In June of 2000, Adrian Nicholas of Great Britain dropped from a hot air balloon 10,000 feet in the air. Experts told him (as they told da Vinci) he would jump to his certain death. Instead, Mr. Nicholas came back to the earth beneath a 187-pound contraption that was just a sketch for 500 years, saying the ride was actually smoother than a modern parachute.    

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Custom Cannabis Solutions

Custom Solutions for the Cannabis Industry

We love a challenge. When you make custom products, built to meet the needs of highly-specific markets, you have to love a challenge. We’ve kept a close eye on the emerging cannabis business and the challenges that it creates. Traveling to the MoCannBizCon + Expo gave us an opportunity to talk with many of you face to face about your specific needs and how we at Custom Powder Systems can help.

The Two Major Challenges Facing The Cannabis Industry

Those of you in the cannabis industry already know the problems that need solutions. For us, the conference was an opportunity to meet with speakers from government relations, industry groups, and seed-to-sale businesses to find out more. The most important thing that we learned is that there are a lot of unknowns.


One challenge for business owners is that regulation won’t be happening on the federal level. This means that your budding business can’t turn to FDA regulations.

Instead, in most cases, the individual states are handling the regulatory load. For many business owners that we spoke to, this leads to a lot of confusion and leaves unanswered questions.


We also learned that many business owners don’t yet know what they need to help them get their products to market.

For example, we spoke to producers who were still trying to come up with the best ways to extract everything that they need from their plants. They’ve been resorting to slow, inefficient processes that work well enough for testing, but running a business requires that your methods scale. Many were at a loss when the discussion turned to increasing output to meet the demands of the wider market.

The Custom Powder Solution

What we took away from the conference was a revelation for us.

We are a company that builds custom, novel solutions to difficult problems. State regulations will, almost certainly, be less demanding than those at the federal level.

For us, these unknowns are not obstacles, only challenges. We have helped companies of all sizes meet or exceed their production demands, and we can do the same for the cannabis industry.

We work in a world where the status quo isn’t good enough. We don’t expect you to take our existing products and make them work for you.

We want you to tell us your problems, and then let us go to work designing a solution. From grow cycle management to defoliation, extraction to storage, we are here to build you what you need for success.

When you are ready to take the next step in expanding your cannabis business, give us a call.

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