There are hints of lifting devices dating back to the time of Archimedes. Leonardo da Vinci, our kindred Renaissance spirit, drew up elevator designs. Steam-powered elevators would haul lumber and coal in the 19th century. It would be years before people thought about hoisting people in these machines…and this kind of engineering ingenuity is behind our platform lifts.
A standard elevator is an architectural adventure, to say the least, because of the high degree of integration required with the building structure. This requires an intense upfront effort in facility planning and design AND must be validated where installed. Our platform lifts have two simple building anchor points for fast and easy installation. They are design-built as a modular entity that is Factory Acceptance Tested (FAT’ed) and validated before it leaves our factory.
Scott Heffern, Senior Vice-President of Products at Custom Powder Systems says, “We can come in at any time, move it in in pieces, and it’s installed. It’s fairly coordination-free from the business’s standpoint. We work around you.”
The Right Tool
Platform lifts are the perfect example of using the right tool for the job which is particularly important when it comes to pharmaceutical validation. Scott says, “You have to document that the product works reliably and as intended. It could indirectly impact production output and product quality if you can’t get product and equipment where and at what level it needs to be.”
Custom platform lifts are cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice). “We build the lift to the same standards of our production equipment for pharmaceutical and biotech,” Heffern says. This means the cleanability of the lift meets the same standards as that of the process equipment of your plant; this is not achievable with a traditional elevator.

Platform lifts are one of the most customized and customizable products offered by Custom Powder Systems. Your lift will be customized for your unique situation, process, and your products.
We haven’t met a challenge we couldn’t tackle with our wealth of engineering knowledge, along with a big dose of creative thinking. We (quite literally) help you take your manufacturing processes to a new level!
Use our contact form, or call Custom Powder Systems at (417) 868-8002.