CPS Grilling Hacks

5 DIY Grilling Hacks for the Engineer in You

With Memorial Day fast approaching, we’re pausing to remember those who have served and given their all. We’re also celebrating the freedom that their sacrifice has given us. One of the most popular ways of doing that is by getting together with friends and family, and firing up the grill.

Here at Custom Powder, we’re always looking for ways to make things better, to do something a little bit different, or to build a custom solution to complicated problems.

But we like to have a little bit of fun while we’re doing it.

For example, we recently had a cardboard smoker contest here at the offices. In the photo below, you’ll see Bryan Lin‘s entry.

CPS Brian Lin Smoker

That got us thinking about better ways to grill, and apparently we’re not alone. The Internet is brimming with grilling suggestions, smoker hacks, and even DIY for those of you without your own grilling apparatus.

Here are a few of our favorites.

The Clay Pot Smoker

Food Network’s Alton Brown is a big fan of this method, and has a video where he explains why it works so well. But the idea itself is simple — Take a couple of large, clay pots, put a grill grate into them, and prepare for something delicious. Even better? There’s no charcoal required. Read the full how-to over at Make.

CPS Clay Pot Smoker

The Bitty-Q

You ever find yourself out at the lake, enjoying a cold one, and then shocked to find that there are no grills available? We’ve got a solution for you. All it takes is a drink can, a couple of charcoal briquettes, and a wire coat hanger. The King of Random has a video tutorial.

Washing Machine Grill

CPS - Washing Machine Grill

We love seeing innovative ideas, and this one is pretty great.  Sachin Mohiputloll shows us how to take an old washing machine drum, and turn it into a world-class BBQ grill. Bonus points to Sachin for his use of a cutting wheel, because we love using power tools.

The BBQ Table

We’ve all seen it. Everybody gets together for an afternoon of food and fun, but there’s one person left tending the grill. Usually removed from the rest of the festivities.

But what if the table was the grill? That’s the question that Jag Grills answers. The company combines a BBQ grill and fire pit with a six or eight-sided table to make sure that everybody can be in one place.

Bonus: High-Tech Brisket

Could the world’s best brisket come from an aluminum smoker, built by some Harvard students? It might sound crazy, but just wait until you hear how they made it.

CPS - Wired Smoker

The behemoth weighs in at over 300 pounds, and it eliminates all of the problems that smokers have. There is a refueling chute, preventing the need to open the smoker. Temperature control is handled by a Raspberry Pi computer, connected to fans. Oh, and the team developed the contraption in the dead of winter. Not exactly the ideal time to try to smoke a notoriously-difficult cut of meat.

The whole story is fascinating, and worth a read over at Wired.

Image of notes from Additive Manufacturing Conference

Our Notes From The RAPID + TCT 2019 Additive Manufacturing Conference

We just returned from Detroit with our heads and hearts full of excitement for the additive manufacturing industry. Rarely have we seen such a neat combination of talent and passion!

Because we pride ourselves not only on our work in the additive manufacturing space, but in our relationships and processes, we thought you might find it interesting to see the notes we took/typed during our time in Detroit. Know that we’ll be working to add answers to these questions and solutions to these issues to Custom Powder’s additive manufacturing page in the coming days and weeks, but if you’re ready to talk now, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Notes from additive manufacturing conference in DetroitThe end-users I talked to understand the need for the larger batch size for blending and feeding. Their dilemma is that their powder supplier provides product in 50 lb containers and they desire to empty them so they can make the larger batch that either goes to a blender or to the process. Air quality emissions and health exposure is a growing, even a necessary requirement. I’ll be going to a presentation on the AM emission problems with OSHA/EPA this afternoon.

It will take some time before suppliers change their methods using larger containers. [Some powder suppliers are considering this and are interested in talking to us.]

The surplus powder reclaim is a growth area. Several machine suppliers offer a module that collects, sifts, and pneumatically transport the surplus directly back to the feed bin. But, there is growing concern about what % is acceptable.

I believe as volume increases, there will be a need to blend the surplus at a specific %. A system that can blend raw powder with the surplus reclaimed powder before feeding the AM process will soon be in demand.

As a side note, I have considerable experience with feeding either by LIW or Gain-in-weight multiple feed bins. It becomes more challenging as the number of feed bins increase. The end users I talked to are talking about 3 to 5 machines from one source feed bin.

Keep in mind that we have already laid out a system for a client to fill multiple machines at once utilizing one of our small bins and a “Y” spout.

Potential further questions are:

1).  what will they do with excess materials?

2).  What amount can they reclaim and what does that process look like? (most times they can screen and use some spent mixed with good material)

3).  Problem with the 50lb bottles is a risk in completing a long run (48 +/-hours).  If there is a gap caused by switch over, the product is potentially scrapped and the time wasted.

3.1)  Anything larger containing the product, will have to be manipulated with a Lift capable of rotation as well as proximity to the machine.  The material typically weighs 200+lb so a mobile lift will need to get up close and personal with the machine.

Bob Luebbe

—–Original Message—–
From: Chris Volz
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 11:09 AM
To: Bob Luebbe
Cc: Denise McIntosh
Subject: Other AM Ideas


A challenge that AM end users talk to me about is how to empty currently supplied 50 lb containers of AM metals with less exposure to workers.

Also, what I’m hearing today in Conferences is the need to weigh dispense blended larger batch to multiple machines.

For these reasons:
(i) There is a need to improve quality by decreasing variability in end product part being produced.
(ii) decrease labor to pour smaller 50 lb containers for production machine

Another potential high growth area is engineered polymer compounds powder handling equipment. There is a major shortage of engineered compounds needed for 3D printing. Polymer/compounded will respond — we can provide solutions for the polymer compounded. I have some ideas already sketched.

We’re proud to have Chris, Bob, and Denise on our team, and we’re also pretty fond of starting with sketches around here. Since we do so much custom work and every problem presents its own unique set of challenges, we’ve developed a pretty strong passion for napkin sketches. Some of the world’s greatest solutions started out the same way. If you’re interested in learning more about the why, hows, and whos of the ways we do the things we do, sign up here to receive our emails.

ICS - Aseptic Isolation

Aseptic Isolation – The Time Is Now

The meeting was held in December. Over 200 people attended a 2 1/2 day seminar hosted by the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE). The takeaway? The time had come for aseptic isolation to come into its own.

The problem? The meeting happened in 1995.

Flash forward and we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of what we can do with aseptic isolation. The question is, what took us so long to get started?

That answer is pretty simple — the technology wasn’t ready yet. The idea was solid, but failures caused delays. For many companies, especially those that had existing clean room implementations, the opportunity cost and associated risks to integrate an aseptic isolation system were simply too high.

But — if we can go out on a limb to say it — the time has come to kill off the clean room.

Death to the Clean Room

It’s important to note, first off, what aseptic really means, because this is the biggest area where clean rooms fail.

Aseptic isolation means keeping people out of the space, thereby limiting contamination or cross-contamination.

In fact, clean rooms are such a common point of failure that, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) walks in for an inspection, the inspector will bypass the isolation system and head straight to the clean room. The FDA has even gone so far as to take a stance, where the agency normally does not, in saying that aseptic isolation should be the new standard.

The fact of the matter is that clean rooms have points of failure that aseptic isolation systems do not. We live and operate in a world that is risk-averse. So even if the FDA is not saying “thou shalt use aseptic isolation systems”, the agency is acknowledging the inherent risks of clean rooms and giving guidance to avoid them.

That being the case, why is the FDA still approving clean rooms? The short answer is that people still want to use them. ROI is the primary concern, even if that ROI is only positive in the short term.

The Aseptic Advantage

The heart of the conversation is also the proverbial elephant in the room. Building and implementing aseptic isolation costs more money up front than building a clean room. But in most cases, those costs can be recouped many times over within a short period of time.

The arguments for spending the money come in many forms. First, there is less risk for lost batches. When your raw materials cost is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single batch, losing one to a clean room failure is a tough pill to swallow.

Second to that, isolation systems require less space. In some cases, where the systems can be moved from one area to another, increased productivity alone is enough to justify the additional cost. We’re no longer tied to having all operations within a single location and forcing everyone to work inside of it.

This brings on another point that is often missed – operator satisfaction. An operator is able to use a glove box, rather than having to wear full protective equipment with their face and eyes covered. The rules of the surrounding room can be less stringent as well. In many cases, the room may only need to be kept at an ISO 7 level, rather than an ISO 5 and the required associated cleaning.

There is, of course, the associated time cost as well. Every time that you have to gown up to enter a clean room, you can bet on fifteen minutes. Then once you are ready to leave, there are another fifteen minutes involved. Add those thirty minutes, plus two breaks during a day, and then lunch. Suddenly the costs start to make a lot less sense when lost minutes turn into lost hours.

For those of you considering aseptic systems, there are other advantages that need to weigh on your decision. Not the least of these is the associated cost for running an aseptic system versus a clean room. Environmental controls, airflow, and maintenance all turn into money that you’re having to spend. With a closed, aseptic system, each of these factors experience a dramatic cost reduction.

Finally, it’s worth looking at the job of your quality assurance person. In days past, every operator in a clean room was another potential source for contamination. Further, compared to a clean room, the smaller size of an aseptic system allows for easier certification.

Answering Your Aseptic Questions

The three questions that we hear the most when it comes to aseptic systems have nothing to do with their capability. Anyone who has spent any time around clean rooms versus aseptic systems can tell you their advantages. What people do want to know is simple:

  • What’s your aseptic isolation lead time?
  • What accessories do you use?
  • How much does aseptic isolation cost?

The simple answer for all three of these is “it depends.” The deeper answer is that it depends because we don’t believe in building cookie cutter solutions. We’d love to have a conversation about your situation to see how we can help and give you an idea of cost. We have built custom aseptic isolation solutions for customers from Iowa to Canada, and China to the east coast of the United States.

We are Integrated Containment Systems and Custom Powder Systems. We work with you to custom design the best solution to your problem, then build that design for you. And even better, because we’re based in the United States, we’re going to be there to fix a problem if something goes wrong.

What can we build for you today? Contact us and let us know.

CPS - Napkin Sketches

Napkin Sketches – The Story of Paul and the MRI

At Custom Powder, we believe in working with you every step of the way, from pencil to product. We realize that inspiration often strikes at the most inopportune times, and sometimes you just have to grab what’s in front of you and write it down.

You’re not alone.

Some of the greatest ideas in history came to life by writing them on a scrap of paper, the back of an envelope, or as you’ll read in today’s story, on a bar napkin.

The Irish poet and playwright, George Bernard Shaw (himself no stranger to bar napkins), famously said, “You see things and you say why? But I dream things that never were and I say why not?”

A Guy Named Paul

Paul Lauterbur was an American chemist who turned a napkin into a Nobel Prize. It may have taken over 30 years for the prize to make it into his hands, but along the way, his work changed lives.

The story starts in the late 1930s. Paul was a peculiar kid. He wasn’t especially interested in sports, or playing games, or anything else that the other children were doing.

He preferred to spend his time doing chemistry experiments.

Looking back, Paul describes his childhood as idyllic. His parents both worked hard, but they loved spending time with their family. Though the standout character in Paul’s past was his aunt. She was, according to Paul, “a very gentle person, always willing to listen to a child.”

It’s possible that his aunt was responsible for Paul’s eventual path toward science as a career. She was, herself, fascinated by natural history. She gifted Paul a subscription to Natural History magazine and those early readings helped guide Paul’s curiosity.

Not only did his aunt listen to him and encourage his experimentation, but his teachers did as well. His science teacher even went so far as to allow Paul to experiment in the back of the class while his fellow students studied their lessons.

College was the time when Paul’s life took a dramatic turn. He studied Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh. One day, during lunch, he began sketching out an idea on the back of a napkin.

The Birth of the MRI

As is common with big ideas, the MRI started with a smaller one. The 1952 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to a pair of scientists who had studied nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Paul’s idea was that he could use NMR to produce images of the body instead of limiting its use to studying chemical structures of substances.

Paul went on to work at Stony Brook University in the 1960s. As a visiting faculty member to Stanford in 1969, he dove in to further study NMR. Once he returned to Stony Brook in 1970, he continued his studies, and it was that work that would earn him the Nobel Prize in 2003.

In 1971, he sent a paper with his findings to Nature magazine. His example included grainy images that showed the difference between “heavy water” (water with deuterium atoms) and ordinary water (good old H2O). The magazine wasn’t impressed with Paul’s work, blaming their decision to pass on the fuzzy images that had accompanied the submission.

It’s important to note that no other imaging technology of the time could tell the difference between the two types of water.

Problem solvers are not people who give up easily, and that was Paul’s story as well. He inquired about the rejection, stated his case again, and today you can still read Paul’s original paper online.

Paul would later reflect on the irony of Nature’s decision:

“You could write the entire history of science in the last 50 years in terms of papers rejected by Science or Nature.”

From a Napkin to History Books

Paul Lauterbur will go down in history as the father of the modern MRI, and the entire story began on the back of a napkin. You don’t have to be an artist to be successful with napkin design. In fact, it’s less about the art itself and more about getting an idea out of your head.

What’s your big idea? We’re here to help you make it into a reality.

Custom Powder Systems - NASA

Hey NASA – Need Some Help?

Once in a while, we will read an article that reminds us of the challenges that face not only us, but also our customers. Since NASA has been a customer of ours in the past (did you know that moon rocks are handled inside of a gloved isolation box that was designed and built by Custom Powder Systems?), the recent story of their failed rocket launch hit close to home. Not because of the rocket, but because of what caused the failure.

Custom Powder Systems - NASA glovebox
NASA needed to handle moon rocks. This glove box was the solution we built for them.

As Bloomberg reports, an Oregon supplier for NASA had been falsifying test results and providing faulty materials to the agency for over 19 years. The result? Over $700 million in losses, charged to the U.S. taxpayers.

NASA’s Director for Launch Services called out the problem in plain English.

NASA relies on the integrity of our industry throughout the supply chain.

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking, and it’s the difference between being able to solve a problem, or creating a new one.

What does it take to build a great product, and do so with integrity? As far as we can tell, it takes a hard day’s work and an honest desire to help your customer succeed.

Some folks say that makes us different. But if you’re asking us, it’s just the way that things should be done.

As we keep helping more people, our business grows to meet their needs. When we’re looking for a new welder, project manager, or shop maintenance person, we seek out exceptional people who understand the challenges that we solve without sacrificing the quality standards we put in place.

Your success is too important for us to settle for anything less.

We’re fortunate to have hired some of the best people in the world from right here in Missouri. At the end of the day, we’re not only building custom projects, but we’re also building relationships for the long term. You can bet that every member of our Custom Powder team will do what’s right, work hard for you, and never try to take a shortcut.

If this sounds like you, we’re hiring, and we’d love to talk to you.

Negative Stress Gauge

Combatting Negative Stress in the Workplace

When you strive to give your work 100%, 100% of the time, it’s going to lead to stress. With our expertise in aseptic isolation, we know a thing or two about negative pressure.

It doesn’t matter how much you love your job. At some point, things are going to get stressful.

Deadlines, budgets, relationships, and a thousand other factors all come into play to keep us from performing at our very best.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), some 60% of American workers feel workplace-related stress regularly. Workplace stress has become an epidemic, so it’s beyond time that we all learn how to deal with it better.

What Causes Stress?

There are thousands of polls each year that cover stress in the workplace. Almost without fail, respondents name the same concerns: Money, performance expectations, bosses, and healthcare. Taken individually, none of these concerns would stand out from a list of usual stressors. But when you look at the fact that the workplace is the one area where all of them come into play, it’s easy to see why combating stress at work is such a topic of discussion.

Identifying Stress Warning Signs

The signs of too much stress in your life are easy to spot, but they’re also easy to mistake. Headaches, lethargy, and muscle aches could mean you didn’t sleep well last night. Or they could be signs of stress. The best practice is to look at everything that you’re feeling, and then decide what’s causing the problems. Here are some warning signs that you’ll want to watch:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Digestive problems
  • Tense muscles
  • Headaches

If you’ve spotted the problems, the first step to solving them is to take action. So step back, take a deep breath, and get ready to get better.

Solving Workplace Stress

It starts at home — A healthy diet helps more than your waistline. Eating the right foods can help your energy, your level of concentration, and your overall level of stress. Take time to plan out your meals for the week. Not only will you save money, but you will also find yourself healthier.

Talk it out — The old water cooler serves as more than a place for refreshment. It’s also where employees can take a few minutes to lean on each other for support. Try talking to someone in a different department, who is likely to see things from another perspective. But don’t leave the boss out of the discussion. They can often solve many problems if they know what is happening.

Change positions — Studies about the dangers of sitting have come to light over the past few years. Not only is sitting all day bad for your health, but it’s also bad for your stress symptoms too. If you have the ability, stand up at your desk or go for a walking meeting. Small changes can add a lot of movement to your day.

Set boundaries — Today’s jobs end up going home with us far more often than they should. We don’t see the danger in answering a few emails after dinner or taking a call on the way to work. But it’s important to have time away from the office so that you can best use the hours when you’re there. Don’t be afraid to set an Out of Office responder on your email at five P.M., or to send a call to voicemail instead of feeling like it has to be answered now.

Use your vacation — The workaholic syndrome has become an epidemic. A growing percentage of workers who are eligible for vacation refuse to take it each year. But instead of performing better than those who use the vacation that they’ve earned, these employees are burning out from carrying stress. Your boss, your team, and your family all need you to take your vacation days, so don’t be afraid to use them.

Get some help — Workplace wellness programs have grown in popularity. The best ones involve far more than discounted gym memberships and fitness trackers. Most insurance today covers mental health, so put it to good use. Speaking with a counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist isn’t a sign of weakness. In fact, it’s a sign that you understand how valuable it is to have a third party’s ear.

Good housekeeping — Learn to triage. Not everything is an emergency, some things are merely important. When we try to give equal attention to every matter all at once, we will often let things fall through the cracks that needed to be dealt with first. If it seems like everything is critically important, talk to the stakeholders who can help determine which parts need your attention first.

Platitudes don’t solve problems. Managing stress in the workplace starts with each individual making an educated assessment of their problems and potential solutions. Combatting that stress doesn’t fall onto one person. It includes everyone, from the newest employee to the most tenured person in management.

At Custom Powder Systems, we’re incredibly proud of our workplace safety record… it affords us a number of benefits including lower insurance costs which we can pass onto our customers. If you’re interested in learning more about the why, hows, and whos of the ways we do the things we do, sign up here to receive our emails.

CPS + MSHP: The Power of Positive Relationships

CPS + MSHP: The Power of Positive Relationships

At Custom Powder Systems, we understand the power of positive relationships. Sometimes, though, we’re surprised at how they start. We’ve been fortunate to build a lasting, meaningful relationship with the Missouri State Highway Patrol, and it all began with a car crash.

You see, a few years ago, we asked the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) to come and visit us as part of our own Safety & Wellness Program. We’d heard that the Patrol had a crash simulation trailer that would demonstrate what it felt like to be in a car wreck. The good folks at the MSHP donated their time to come to Custom Powder, and as our way of saying thanks, we decided to make a pair of plaques to present to them.

We’re no strangers to unique requests here at Custom Powder. And, to be frank, we like using the tools in our shop. We had taken delivery of our first water jet machine, and we had a skilled operator who chose to go above and beyond by designing the plaques from scratch.


We were happy with the end result, and as luck would have it, those plaques were quite a hit. They gathered a lot of attention at the Patrol’s Christmas party, where they were given away as prizes. Soon after, we started seeing requests for other MSHP projects, and we were happy to help.

Over the years, it has been our privilege to work with the Patrol on their custom projects. It’s not only our way of giving back to those who serve our local communities, but it’s also a great way to develop lasting relationships. The Patrol’s requests have ranged from signs for their Communications department to a retirement plaque for Lt. Dan Bracker that you can see in the photo below. But none of those were as meaningful as being able to answer the call for a memorial wall project.


Back in 2015, the team from Troop D of the MSHP asked us to create some finishing touches for their memorial to fallen officers. We were proud to work with them to develop two MSHP emblems and signage for the wall that reads The Ultimate Sacrifice. Since then, the idea has spread and now there are Ultimate Sacrifice walls in other Troop offices around the state.


We were proud to play even a small part in honoring those who gave their all in the line of duty. But we were also humbled. When you work with companies from around the world, it’s nice to have a chance to do good at home.

While we’re pretty fond of the name Custom Powder Systems, we’re not afraid to take a step off the beaten path to help out a friend. Whatever your company’s needs, drop us a line. Let us develop a custom solution for you.

Custom Cannabis Solutions

Custom Solutions for the Cannabis Industry

We love a challenge. When you make custom products, built to meet the needs of highly-specific markets, you have to love a challenge. We’ve kept a close eye on the emerging cannabis business and the challenges that it creates. Traveling to the MoCannBizCon + Expo gave us an opportunity to talk with many of you face to face about your specific needs and how we at Custom Powder Systems can help.

The Two Major Challenges Facing The Cannabis Industry

Those of you in the cannabis industry already know the problems that need solutions. For us, the conference was an opportunity to meet with speakers from government relations, industry groups, and seed-to-sale businesses to find out more. The most important thing that we learned is that there are a lot of unknowns.


One challenge for business owners is that regulation won’t be happening on the federal level. This means that your budding business can’t turn to FDA regulations.

Instead, in most cases, the individual states are handling the regulatory load. For many business owners that we spoke to, this leads to a lot of confusion and leaves unanswered questions.


We also learned that many business owners don’t yet know what they need to help them get their products to market.

For example, we spoke to producers who were still trying to come up with the best ways to extract everything that they need from their plants. They’ve been resorting to slow, inefficient processes that work well enough for testing, but running a business requires that your methods scale. Many were at a loss when the discussion turned to increasing output to meet the demands of the wider market.

The Custom Powder Solution

What we took away from the conference was a revelation for us.

We are a company that builds custom, novel solutions to difficult problems. State regulations will, almost certainly, be less demanding than those at the federal level.

For us, these unknowns are not obstacles, only challenges. We have helped companies of all sizes meet or exceed their production demands, and we can do the same for the cannabis industry.

We work in a world where the status quo isn’t good enough. We don’t expect you to take our existing products and make them work for you.

We want you to tell us your problems, and then let us go to work designing a solution. From grow cycle management to defoliation, extraction to storage, we are here to build you what you need for success.

When you are ready to take the next step in expanding your cannabis business, give us a call.

Download our small scale cannabis sales material

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New Year. New Possibilities With Custom Powder Systems and Integrated Containment Systems.

New Year. New possibilities. 

2018 was a doozy. Budgets, trade deals, and steel tariffs steamrolled discussions and left many so focused on their restrictions, that they forgot to look at their opportunities.
Not this year.
2019 is now in full swing and all we see in front of us at Custom Powder Systems and Integrated Containment Systems is a blank canvas.
No, we’re not so naïve to think there won’t be challenges to overcome.
No, we don’t think we’re immune to obstacles on the path to success.
Instead, we are choosing to embrace them. We choose to let the constraints fuel our creativity, not diminish it.

“Constraints can spur creativity and incite action, as long as you have the confidence to embrace them.”

Tom Kelly

We see you there right now, suppressing the urge to high five your computer or possibly do a couple enthusiastic fist pumps…because you get it. You’re our kind of weird.
So, to you, we ask…

“How can we help?”

If you have an idea, one that may help your organization, or one that may better the world – no matter how crazy, we’d love to hear about it. We need to hear about it. Because we can help. Whether you have pages of blueprints or just a smudged and tattered bar napkin sketch. We. Can. Help.
Here at CPS/ICS, we are going to use the new year to focus on, among other things, aseptic isolation, bin production, and helping companies find ways to retrofit containment solutions to keep costs down.
2019 is going to be a wondrous year full of discovery and creation. Join us!
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Clean Room Test Facility

Custom Powder Systems and Integrated Containment Systems Have An In-House Testing Clean Room

So we have an in-house testing clean room…

Right now, you might be thinking, “Good for you. But what does that mean for me?”

Good question.

A cleanroom ensures a stable, low particulate background to measure down to the lowest threshold of detectability of your products. Whether your product is hazardous to humans, combustible, pyrophoric, a controlled substance, or you simply need a clean facility to handle your materials, our in-house cleanroom testing allows us to certify the barrier technology performance of your project before it leaves our facility. And all that extra planning and testing on the front end can save you time and money.

You DO like saving time and money, don’t you?

Oh, and if you’re wondering, we also perform blending and segregation tests, isolator surrogate testing, and deagglomeration demonstrations of hardened materials in our drum massagers.
We are masters of containment technology. Put our systems to work for you.